What Is Castile Soap?

Have you been looking to invest in more Eco-friendly and all-natural products to stock up on around your home for personal care and cleaning purposes? Pure Castile soap has become widely used in households for a variety of different purposes and we’re here to tell you that it’s definitely worth investing in.
Soaps that aren’t natural can be very bad for your skin and actually strip your skin of its natural oils whereas Castile soap (which is 100% natural, vegan, biodegradable, etc.) can assist with problems like dry or irritated skin, but that’s not all.
Say goodbye to those harmful chemicals found in many of the cleaning products around your home and hello to a soap that can do an even better job of sparkling your floors and kitchen countertops. Keep reading to find out more about what Castile soap is and what makes it the perfect personal care and cleaning product ingredient.

Why Is It Called Castile Soap?
Castile soap is made from olive oil and named rightfully so after the location of the olives – Castile, Spain. While Castile soap largely contains 100% olive oil, it can also be made with other all-natural, eco-friendly ingredients that mix well together such as argan oil, coconut oil, hemp and jojoba as they have very similar benefits for your skin and other cleaning purposes.
They also add a nice scent as 100% olive oil Castile soap is scent-free. Plus, it’s cruelty-free, meaning no animals were harmed in the making of the Castile soap and does not contain chemicals, artificial flavours and colours. And yes, it’s completely biodegradable too, meaning it can be broken down and decompose safely back into the environment naturally.
If you’re interested in starting to use Castile soap, you won’t regret it. Castile soaps, whether it includes other essential oils or not, is a versatile and popularly-used soap that is made to suit many of your specific needs which we’ll get into more below as well as the benefits of using Castile soap on your skin.
Why Is It Called Castile Soap?
Castile soap is made from olive oil and named rightfully so after the location of the olives – Castile, Spain. While Castile soap largely contains 100% olive oil, it can also be made with other all-natural, eco-friendly ingredients that mix well together such as argan oil, coconut oil, hemp and jojoba as they have very similar benefits for your skin and other cleaning purposes.
They also add a nice scent as 100% olive oil Castile soap is scent-free. Plus, it’s cruelty-free, meaning no animals were harmed in the making of the Castile soap and does not contain chemicals, artificial flavours and colours. And yes, it’s completely biodegradable too, meaning it can be broken down and decompose safely back into the environment naturally.
If you’re interested in starting to use Castile soap, you won’t regret it. Castile soaps, whether it includes other essential oils or not, is a versatile and popularly-used soap that is made to suit many of your specific needs which we’ll get into more below as well as the benefits of using Castile soap on your skin.
Top 8 Ways To Use Castile Soap
There definitely isn’t a shortage of ways to use Castile soap! In fact, you probably won’t buy any other kinds of soap ever again. Here are our top eight favourite ways to utilize Castile soap.
1. Body Wash For You & Baby
You can use this gentle soap in bar form or as foamy liquid soap that only requires a small dab on your washcloth. One thing people love most about Castile soap is that it can easily be used for sensitive baby skin too. Castile soap is actually the perfect soap for all kinds of skin – oily, acne-prone, dry or sensitive. Just make sure to avoid getting it in yours or your baby’s eyes. Also, depending on the liquid Castile soap you purchase, you may have to dilute it first with distilled water before use. Formal instructions will come on the bottle.
2. Non-Toxic Shampoo
Nothing is worse for your hair than shampoo and conditioners that have harsh chemicals that, instead of treating your specific condition, make your hair even more frayed and dried. You can make your own shampoo recipe with Castile soap, other essential oils, herbs and water too. And, if you’ve run out of doggy shampoo, Castile soap is very pet-friendly and can help their short or long coats shine again.
3. Makeup Brush Cleanser
Makeup brushes should be cleaned at least every three months to get rid of bacteria. Use Castile soap and some warm water, dip your brushes in them, run them under cool water to rinse them off, and then let them air dry. Castile soap is gentle on the hair bristles and won’t cause damage.
4. Smooth Shaving Cream
Do you often find that after you’ve shaved your legs with a store-bought cream, they’re still left feeling itchy and irritated? Then use Castile soap as your new and improved, all-natural, shaving cream. It acts as a natural skin moisturizer and carefully guides your razor down your leg to remove hair and leave a nice, soft result.
5. Chemical-Free Floor Cleaner
Did you know Castile soap also acts as a natural floor cleaner? If you have Castile liquid soap, add approximately 1/4 cup to a bucket of water and mop your tile or hardwood floor with the solution to shine it back up again and remove any unwanted streaks. Or, if you’d prefer, add the solution into a spray bottle with an essential oil like lemon to create a nice aroma. Make sure to shake it before spraying it on the floor.
6. Natural Pesticide
Oddly enough, Castile soap can actually be used as an all-natural pesticide for plants that have an infestation problem. All you need to keep your plant healthy is some Castile soap and tap water, it’s really that easy. Put the mixture in a spray bottle, shake it, and spray the mixture right onto the leaves where you can physically see the pests (don’t just spray the leaves). If the plant is inside, it’s best to take it outside to spray it and let it sit.
7. Multi-Surface Cleaning Agent
Use Castile soap as a multi-surface cleaner around your home. As mentioned before, it can be used as a floor cleaner, a scent-free dish soap, a kitchen counter cleaner (say goodbye to your smelly vinegar and baking soda counter cleaning mix), tattered-looking carpets, and can even be used to remove tough dirt and grime from walls. Just keep Castile liquid soap under your sink. You’ll never know when it will come in handy!
8. Allergen-Safe Laundry Detergent
Store-bought laundry detergents can often leave sensitive skin feeling itchy or cause rashes. With Castile soap, you don’t have to worry about that. It’s completely allergen-free and all you need to thoroughly wash your laundry is 1/2 a cup of liquid soap (or less, depending on the type of washer). If it can work as a body wash, it can work for washing clothes without you having to worry about getting a rash afterwards.

So … What Is Castile Soap?
Castile soap is ultimately the King of all soaps. It’s made from the best-sourced ingredients and comes with a long list of benefits. Whether you want to use it on your skin or maybe you want to use it to clean a dirt mark off your wall, Castile soap will definitely do the trick. But, depending on what you want to use it for will depend on what type of Castile soap you should buy, whether it’s a bar or liquid soap. Whatever you decide to use it for, you won’t regret it.
In fact, we recommend just keeping a bottle of it under your kitchen sink so it’s always handy. You can use it for all-purpose cleaning, personal care, and as an all-natural pesticide. Better yet, you’ll feel better knowing you’re using an ingredient that’s 100% Eco-friendly and safe around you, your family pets, and your children.
If you’re interested in starting to use Castile soap, you won’t regret it. Castile soaps, whether it includes other essential oils or not, is a versatile and popularly-used soap that is made to suit many of your specific needs which we’ll get into more below as well as the benefits of using Castile soap on your skin.