Why Sustainable Packaging Is Important

Sustainable Packaging is the Way Forward
Want to hear surprising facts about plastic pollution in the oceans that will blow your mind and have you re-thinking your shopping habits?
According to Passport Ocean, there is:
More microplastic in the ocean than there are stars in the Milky Way. Try looking up the actual number of stars in the Milky Way. You probably won’t find a definite answer, that’s how many there are. Now think about all that microplastic.
There is a plastic island twice the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean. In this specific area, the amount of plastic exceeds marine life.
If things keep continuing this way, plastic will equally match the weight of fish in the ocean by 2050.
Want to know the most popular plastic products found in the oceans? Plastic bags, plastic water bottles and food wrappers. Want to know who supplies those plastic bags, plastic water bottles and food wrappers?
Just about every single store out there.

We Can Change
Do you ever think to yourself, “one more straw won’t hurt”, or “one more plastic shopping bag won’t do anything”? Do you ever think about how many other people in the world are asking themselves those same questions?
There are many large companies out there changing the way they package their products and plan on getting rid of plastic for good. Some of those large, well-known companies include McDonald’s, Guinness, Red Lobster, Starbucks, IKEA, and many more. So, if large companies like that can reduce their plastic waste and resort to more sustainable packaging options, why can’t smaller businesses or individuals?
OceanBound Plastic Is A Solution
If you own a business and are looking for a more eco-friendly way to package your shopper’s items, OceanBound Plastic has been gaining popularity because of their promise to remove 10 million pounds of plastic from our oceans, and removing potential pollution plastic and transforming it into a reusable solution. The FDA has also approved this recycled plastic as a safe way to package food.
Where Do Our Plastic Bags Go?
Did you know that, according to Oceana, between individuals, corporations and industries, Canadians produce more garbage per capita than any other country in the world? We only recycle 9% of our plastic waste and we use approximately 15 billion plastic bags every year.
Guess how far those billions of single-use plastic bags can travel.
Halfway around the world. Grocery shoppers in Canada are contributing to plastic pollution halfway around the world.

“Be The Change You Wish To See In The World.”
Like Gandhi once said, be the change you wish to see in the world. Stop complaining about single-use plastic only to find you’re using it anyway. Resort to more sustainable ways to shop like carrying reusable bags with you, buying sustainable and Fairtrade clothing or skincare products, and start recycling. As the saying goes, reduce, reuse, recycle.
Looking for Fairtrade certified products? These products are quite easy to find and will have a symbol and certification on it. They can be found in popular stores across Canada including Whole Foods Market, Goodness Me, Zehrs, Longos, Sobeys, and many more.